Last night I slept beer cans...
(Post from August 2022)
Welcome to Leadville, Co!
The highest city in North America! It’s so incredibly beautiful here!
What’s even more incredible is that I just survived my fourth night in the stupid van- though to be honest the first night was the only night my survival was in question.
Coors light was the MVP of that first night- and sadly, not for the reason you might think. It was so hot- SO SO HOT- in Glenwood Springs that night. We didn’t realize that we we had driven straight into a heatwave. I think the thermostat read 97 in the stupid van and It felt like I had a fever of 130. What does one do with a fever…? You try to lower the body temperature with something cold. The only super cold things we had were cans of ice cold Coors light- I clutched one In each hand, put one behind my neck, one under each arm, and two at my feet. When they turned warm, I replenished with cold ones. This pattern continued until about 2 am when the temperature outside finally dropped enough to make it tolerable inside.
I was miserable.
Meanwhile during the most miserable night of my life, scott stripped down and fell asleep almost instantly and even got “chilly” with all multiple fans blowing. Then he made what I considered a near marriage ending mistake. He had the audacity to TURN THE FANS OFF even though his wife was tossing and turning in a bed full of unopened beer cans. I assumed the battery died so I didn’t get to flip out until he made another mistake of telling me that he turned it off on purpose. I’ll let you imagine how well that went. He’s lucky we both made it out of that stupid van alive.
After we suffered through the “unseasonably warm” heatwave for the day (at a mountain top amusement park), we hightailed it out of there and back up the mountain to cooler temps. The higher in elevation you go, the cooler it gets. Glenwood springs sits at 5700 ft. Summit county (where we usually stay) is around 9500 ft and Leadville sits at 10,152 ft.
Since that first dreadful night, we’ve been sleeping blissfully in the stupid van at around 50 degrees… but if you think that means, I’m enjoying it- well, you *might* be right. ;)